
Presentation of the results from the European project UP2DANCE - Updating professional profiles towards contemporary dance | Discussion


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Dear colleagues and friends,
Derida Dance Center / Art Link Foundation cordially invites you to participate in the presentation of the UP2DANCE project, which will take place on November 26 at 18:30 on the Derida Stage.

The program of the meeting is focused on the topic of the economic status of those working in the field of contemporary dance and performance, also very relevant for freelance artists from other fields. UP2DANCE is supported by the EU's Erasmus + program. The meeting aims to share some of the results and discuss them with those present.

In the two-year project, UP2DANCE (2019 - 2021) partners from six European countries examine the development of engaged professionals through the analysis of teaching and training models and programs for dance professionals, insurance status, updating the classifier of professions and management approaches. Derida Dance Center partners with Balletto di Roma (Italy), ICK dans Amsterdam (Netherlands), Companhia de Dança de Almada (Portugal), Polish Dance Theater (Poland), Magenta Consultoria (Spain).

During this event, the conducted research will be presented, the results of which are set out in the "Handbook of Good Practices".

Derida Stage is located in Sofia, 32 Tsar Samuil Str.

UP2DANCE project is being subcontracted № 2019-1-IT01-KA20-2-007609 CUP G85G19000110006