
Results from the residency program / May- August 2013



For the residency program 1st May to 31st August 2013 applied projects from Bulgaria, Greece, Ireland, Finland, Slovenia, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, France, Israel, England, Austria, the Netherlands, Poland and Slovenia.

With a grant for residency are  supported the following  8 candidates:

  • Iskra Ivanova (Varna, Bulgaria),  a project  “The limits of the phisical body”;
  • Johanna Roggan (Dresden, Germany), a project "Variations_on";
  • Cultural Foundation  А25 (Sofia, Bulgaria ), a project "Cardiogram";
  • Kathleen Doherty / Borut Bezgovsek (England/ Slovenia), a project  "Chasing Shadow's”;
  • Mladen Alexiev (Sofia, Bulgaria), a project "Illusions";
  • Tonia Zikou (Athens, Greece), a ptoject "Create Limits";
  • Theater АТОМ (Sofia, Bulgaria), a project "The chair";
  • Laboration Art Company (Israel/ France), a project  "LAC NEW JOURNEY!";


The Residecy program is a part of the  strategy of Derida Dance Center (DDC) to create conditions for more quality productions in the field of the contemporary dance and performance, as well conducting labs in order to explore new means of expression. Within the residency program DDC provides with free rehearsal space, technical equipment and support with the promotion.


Later on will be posted a detailed  information for every project.